16th Annual Meeting of Society for Special Functions & their Applications (SSFA) - International Conference on Special Functions & Applications (ICSFA-2017) is being organized by Department of Mathematics, College of Engineering & Technology, Bikaner (Rajasthan), India, during November 02-04, 2017. The Academic programs of the conference shall consist of Plenary Sessions, Invited Talks and Paper Presentations covering a wide range of topics in Special Functions, Hypergeometric function and its generalizations, Orthogonal polynomials, Lie theoretic approach to Special function, Ramanujan Mathematics, Fractional calculus, Combinatorics, Number theory, q-series and continued fractions, geometric function theory and applications of special functions to Statistics, Physical sciences and Engineering. A Symposium on the Application of Mathematical Sciences in Engineering Problems shall be organized during the conference.
During ICSFA-2017 R. P. Agarwal Memorial Lecture shall be delivered by Professor Tom Koornwinder, University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Science, Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, Netherlands.
The Society for Special Functions & their Applications (SSFA) and the Organizing Committee – ICSFA-2017 cordially invites you to participate in the Conference.
The Conference details are available at http://www.ssfaindia.webs.com/conf.htm
All interested in the field of Special Functions and their applications in diverse areas of research such as Geometric function theory, Statistics, Physical sciences and Engineering are welcome.
The last date is extended upto 10 October 2017.